
’21-’22 Garage Renovation

From early fall of 2021 through winter of 2022, the Scout House garage received much needed frame reinforcement, a fresh stucco exterior, and a wide metal side door. The street-facing garage door was eliminated completely and is now a fourth wall.

The work required removing of all the garage contents (some dating back perhaps 2 decades) to a storage unit in the driveway or to a dumpster. It was a great opportunity to discover all that was inside and part with unused materials and donations. An additional storage unit for the Girl Scout House was placed behind the Boy Scout House and the whole complex surrounded with a chain link fence, so in-person Troop meetings (interrupted again by the “omicron variant”) were held under the new covered picnic area which as installed by the city where the pre-school house used to be during the 2020 COVID-19 shut-down.

The Scout House received roof repair and kitchen renovation during the garage work. It has also benefitted from more than one volunteer interior upgrade in recent years, including glass dry-erase boards! Now it’s up to the Troop and other users to keep it looking spiffy.